
RECiPE4Mobility aim to increase the competitiveness of SMEs by strengthening cluster management excellence, facilitating strategic exchanges and partnering between clusters and specialised industrial eco-systems across Europe.

These transnational cluster partnerships have been selected under the European Cluster Excellence Programme of the European Commission. RECiPE4mobility is supported by funding from the COSME programme to facilitate cross-cluster networking and learning, aiming at the professionalisation of specialised and customised business support services to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

RECiPE4Mobility core activities

Cluster management skill development to boost excellence in delivering SME support
Cluster strategy setting at individual and European partnership levels
Twinning, networking, and joint collaboration activities to support SMEs
Implementation of the new pilot ClusterXchange programme (see overleaf)

Target group / audience

Cluster’s Managers
Clusters’ SMEs
Clusters’ scaling-up support organisations
Clusters’ regionals authorities and public local players

5 specific Objectives

Enhancing cluster management skills towards the generation of added-value support services for SMEs, including clusters individual strategies

Developing comprehensive strategies and implementation roadmaps both at clusters and partnership levels

Impact of RECIPE4Mobility

Number of consultations with key innovation players: SMEs, public policy makers, scaling-up support organisations, etc : 75 (25 at regional level, 50 additional at European level)

Number of clusters managers benefitting from training sessions (coaching sessions and targeted training sessions): 15 (3 clusters managers trained per cluster) throughout 10 training sessions

Number of cluster organisations engaged in benchmarking, accreditation, labelling : 5 (1 label Gold, 1 label Silver, 3 label Bronze)

Number of exchanges carried out in the ClusterXchange pilot scheme: At least 50, including at least 25 for SMEs

SMEs benefiting directly or indirectly from supported actions: 1000 SMEs

Network optimization
public transport


NEXTMOVE (France): NextMove brings together and supports mobility players in the Normandy and Paris area regions: manufacturers or service companies, manufacturers or SMEs, start-ups, public institutions, territories, research and training players. With more than 600 members, NextMove is one of the largest French communities of business in product and service innovation in the field of mobility. They are major industrial companies, high-tech SMEs, prestigious research structures, local and regional players in the innovation ecosystem, and European networks.
Cluster Mobility & Logistics (Germany): In 2021, the E-mobility cluster Regensburg and the IT logistics cluster will merge to form the new Mobility & Logistics cluster. By bundling competences and synergies, an even stronger network is created, which ensures a solid competitiveness of companies and research institutions in the region. In addition, the merger increases the impact and influence of each individual member. The management of the Mobility & Logistics cluster is in the hands of R-Tech GmbH, a subsidiary of the City of Regensburg. Both the E-Mobility Cluster Regensburg and the IT Logistics Cluster were founded in 2011 and are an integral part of the economic development and innovation strategy of Regensburg as a business location.
ZoneCluster (Hungary): Created in 2018, ZoneCluster is a recent cluster which aims to become a significant European professional base for the future mobility solutions and infrastructures development. It has recently already encountered a major success being part of the EIT Urban Mobility.
RAI Automotive Industry NL (Netherlands): Created in 2011, since 2020 part of the RAI Association. RAI Automotive Industry NL is a strong and experienced cluster dedicated to working together with all automotive- and mobility related organizations to address the ongoing challenges facing the Dutch automotive industry. It regroups almost 200 members, 90% of them are SMEs.
Mobinov (Portugal): Created in 2016, Mobinov is an automotive cluster aiming to foster the growth of the national automotive sector through mobilizing initiatives and projects that enhance international competitiveness, innovation and increased added value for its members. It has 55 members, including 24 SMEs.