Whereas the five clusters (E-Mobility Cluster Regensburg, Mobinov, NextMove, RAI Automotive Industry NL, Zone Cluster) in the RECiPE4Mobility project decided to create a common partnership strategy and an implementation roadmap linked to the clusters’ individual strategy, a market need and SMEs need analysis and regional priorities to strengthen interregional collaboration.
Whereas the Market needs analysis showed that the four key elements around each cluster (context, channels, customers and competition) are significantly different, therefore, there is a need to use data and insights from stakeholders to understand the target markets and value chains and to create a well-established strategy for coherent future cooperation.
Whereas the SMEs’ need analysis conducted by the consortium members of the RECiPE4Mobility project showed that SMEs’ motivations and objectives towards joining the cluster organizations and the collaboration changed, and SMEs expect more specific services from the clusters enabling their growth.
Whereas the Partnership Strategy Working Group created a roadmap aligned with each cluster’s priorities and individual strategies to ensure the Partnership Strategy is implemented in a methodological and timely manner.
Therefore, the participating cluster of the RECiPE4Mobility project has adopted this common cluster strategy.
RECiPE4Mobility Partnership Strategy and Implementation Roadmap